東京西多摩通信 : WesternTokyo’s blog


青梅の梅まつり まもなく開催





1. 2/29㈯、3/1㈰ 中道梅園にてうめ酒まつり開催

2. 3/8㈰ 観梅市民まつり 神代橋通りにて

3. 3/15㈰ 梅まつり大道芸:大抽選会 梅の公園

4. 3/22㈰ 梅郷スイーツフェスタ 梅の公園



青梅吉野梅郷 梅まつり











#梅酒まつり #梅郷 #梅の里 #梅まつり 


2020 年 吉野梅郷 梅まつりで開催


The 2020 Yoshino Baigo Japanese Plum (Ume) festival held in Ome city,Tokyo.




青梅の地元「紅梅酒」と 全国のうめ酒・30 種が大集合 地元グルメの味も勢揃い Koubaishu is the locally brewed plum wine in the Ome city area 会場 梅の公園 Festival grounds: Ume no Kouen ( Ume Park)


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/29 3/1 うめ酒まつり 来春開催予定の吉野梅郷・うめ酒まつりには 日本各地の梅の名所から お国自慢の うめ酒が勢揃い 水割りで、お湯割りで ロックで 各地のうめ酒を 飲み比べて 大好きな味を 見つけてください


Every year in the early spring, dating back hundreds of years to the Edo period (1603-1868), the Yoshino Baigo area in Ome city is known throughout Japan for being the best location to view plum tree blossoms. The plum trees at Yoshino Baigo bloosom between February 1st and March 30th.


From the Edo period to the present day, Japanese have continued to enjoy umeshu (plum wine). Plum wine is served traditionally in modern times in a glass with a dash of both lukewarm water and hot water blended with plum wine and served over ice (on the rocks).


Once a year, during two days in the early spring, people from all over Japan come to Yoshino Baigo to enjoy both the plum blossoms, and celebrate the coming of spring by gathering at Yoshino Baigo to taste the finest plum wines of Japan. At both the Yoshino Baigo gathering and during the Umeshu Festival, plum wines from throughout Japan have been specially selected by the brewers of the Koubaishu brand of plum wine.


Discover the great taste of plum wine on these two days as follows:


Yoshino Baigo : February 29

Beginning on February 29th, everyone is welcome to come for plum wine tasting at Yoshino Baigo, where one can enjoy the best plum wines of Japan under the blossoms of the plum trees.


Umeshu Festival: March 1

Following Yoshino Baigo festivities is the Umeshu Festival on March 1st.